Proposed Constitution Changes for 2024 AGM

We have to update our constitution now that Cycling New Zealand Road & Track have removed Centres from their structure. Centres have had diminished importance over the years and in recent times had really only been left the responsibility to organise Centre teams for Track Nationals.

While removing the centres we also chose to update a number of other aspects and the rational for those changes and a guide to the changes between the current constitution to the proposed is linked below.

We would like to streamline this process so that we do not end up spending a couple of hours discussing every clause at the upcoming AGM. We would like everyone to have gone over it, and to have sent any feedback to constitution@cyclingmarlborough, you will receive a response from Warren Hall or Ross Frater who have been the committee members who have been working on the proposed changes and who are most familiar with them.

Rationale and detail of the changes between the two versions

Explanation of proposed changes to Cycling Marlborough Incorporated Constitution for AGM 2024.pdf

Proposed Constitution

2024 Draft CyclingMarlboroughConstitution.pdf

Current Constitution
